Telugu Association of South Korea (TASK)
is an organization of people of Telugu origin residing in
South Korea. TASK was formed to preserve and propagate the Telugu cultural
heritage and maintain the identity of people of Telugu origin
and to provide a forum for Telugu literary, cultural,
educational, social, and charitable interactions among its
members. It was founded in October, 2003 as a group whose
primary mode of communication is through internet.
The Korean government opened its
economy for Indian Software Engineers in November 2000. Since
then the migration of Indians in general & Telugu people in
particular to Korea has been steadily raising. The present
population of Telugus in Korea would be approximately 300-400,
of which most of them are in the software industry. Few of
them are working in
multinationals in various capacities. Initially all were clustered at different places in small groups.
The coordination among the Telugu community was very less. So TASK was formed
to deal with this situation.
At present TASK has more then 150 members.
These are the main objectives of TASK.
To unite the Telugu
community in South Korea by
- Celebrating festivals.
- Organizing get-togethers, picnics and parties.
- Conducting games and cultural activities.
To provide an effective medium
of communication among the members, so that members can air
their views and grievances and get proper responses.
To help the new members
who are arriving to South Korea, so that they can settle down comfortably.
To take up issues related
to Telugu community and convey them to Indian Embassy and
Indian Government.
To strengthen total Indian
community and provide positive image of our culture to South
Korean community.
To technically help each
other in their respective work areas, so that one can tackle the
professional challenges competently.